OTOMATIKnext up in our series of #REALHIPHOP interviews, we bring it in right with emcee OTOMATIK.

VEE: Before we get into it, could you kindly introduce (or re-introduce) yourself to the folks at home? how’d you get into this music thing and what continues to drive you to pursue it?

OTOMATIK: It is a pleasure to be here with you Vahe and part of #REALHIPHOP, so thanks again to you & Professor Pete Marriott! I’m  Ozdille’ The Otomatik. Everything in my life connects me to Hip-Hop. From seeing my uncle kill the floor on Beat Street to my best friend being the super talented DJ Joe Black. Unforgettable cyphers with my brothers to reigning victorious in challenging battles, to the inception of 6 Line Records. Hip-Hop has been and  always will be my life. What drives me is growth.

VEE: how did your contribution to #REALHIPHOP come about & had you worked with Pete before?

OTOMATIK: Pete Marriott is a professional, passionate, perfectionist. Spoken highly of by one of my mentors, Al Nazon. We chopped it up online and grew a mutual respect for one another. I asked for his opinion on something I recorded and even sent him the lyrics considering he may not have caught everything since i was spitting fast. I would say that made him a believer of me as an emcee and drove the desire for me to be part of #REALHIPHOP. this is the first time I have worked with Pete but it is definitely not the last 😉

VEE: what is your writing process like & how involved do you get with the producer when coming up with topics or themes?

OTOMATIK: Time stops, of course not literally but i am in an impenetrable zone. It could be fifteen minutes or five days. Once that clarity sets in for the record let me do what it do 😉 I am usually producing my own work but in this case I let Pete send me what he thought I would be dope on. A little suggestions here and there from The Professor but I was trusted to do what I do.

VEE: this may seem like an overdone question to ask, but considering the album’s bold title, what is your own personal definition or interpretation of “real hip hop”?

OTOMATIK: The evolution of you with a hot flow on a dope beat. Nothing more. Nothing less.

VEE: what’s the last piece of hip hop music you heard that flipped your wig?

OTOMATIK: There’s good music out there I respect but my wig is intact lol.

VEE: last but not least, where can people go to check out your music or to get at you for shows or features?

OTOMATIK: or, email at & iTunes Search Heart & Lyrics.


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